I Need You
When expectations seem high
And performance is low,
When I end my day wondering
“Where did it go?”
I need Your grace.
When the voices I hear
Are whiny and loud
And mine is the worst
And frustrations surround,
I need Your mercy.
When hustle and bustle
Are mine for the day,
And I don’t even take time
To stop and pray,
I need Your rest!
When decisions seem wrong,
Or unpopular with my brood,
When they see as bad
What was meant for their good,
I need Your peace!
When my tears have been shed
Over how far short I fall,
When I fall asleep wondering
If they notice at all,
I need Your love!
I need Your strength
In this job You’ve given me,
For I find I’m weak,
On my own, unable to be
What You want me to be.
ADW 1997